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Friday, August 20, 2010

Teachers and Elders

It says in Sefer Hamidos:
מי שמפזר מעותיו בשביל לקנות לעצמו רב ללמד ממנו, על ידי זה ימצא חן! whoever spends his money to find a teacher to learn from, he will find grace.

Grace in Hebrew are the letters נח, the student is נ as in the classic student Yehoshua ben Nun the student of Moshe.

Sow and spend your money on Wisdom, by using money as a tool to travel to the teacher, gift to the teacher, feed the teacher and bring joy in being a good and dedicated student. This will bust the heart of the Teacher to tears, to feed the river of our flowing eternal souls. For someday, the Student will be the Teacher as we all grow to be Elders.

1 comment:

  1. Aho beloved Twin Deer Mother,
    I love this blog. :) I can't believe I just found it. Thank you again for all that you do.

    Bowing and Blessing the nine sacred directions of me and of you. I bless myself, i bless the world, i bless the relatives true.
    Love and Blessings,
    Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning
    Violet Child, Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy


Sons and Daughters of Israel Arise

Before You, Adonai, our G_ah_d, may all bow down (rainbow), and give honor to Your precious name, and may all take upon themselves the yoke of Your rule. And may You reign over them soon and forever and always. Because all rule is Yours alone, and You will rule in honor forever and ever. As it is written in Your Torah: "Adonai will reign forever and ever." And it is said: "Adonai will be Ruler over the whole Earth, and on that day, G_ah_d will be One, and G_ah_d's name will be One.

(ah: Heaven has come home to Earth)
G: Voice (utterance) of ah: heaven's
D: heartbeat (transmission)

House of the Beloved family, Earth is embracing like a Cup, heavens arrival pouring forth in the third phase of Evolution, the Yellow rolling hills. While we greet the morning Sun and await the evening Dawn We remember the sacred circle of life begins again. Let us be a part of joyous celebration and devotion to Mother Earth. Your devoted servants, Celebrating the Sun!
Holiness David, White Buffalo Calf Woman and Elders Around the World reminding you, suffering is what we do for those we love. Now evolution shows us that the suffering of the Sons and Daughters of Israel were for the Family of G_ah_D. Heaven has come home, we await the returning Sun, the Dawning which is upon us. Let us start to take our place as the Ordained of the Most Highest in the Eastern Shore.

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