"I am" Hashem Holds My Heart
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Saturday, August 22, 2009
Videos: Kabbalah Teachings
The Modern Laws of Global Life- Law of Necessity and Surplus
What is Prayer in Kabbalah?
What is the Essence of Kabbalah?
What Is The True Nature Of Humankind?
What Can We Do To Change The World?
Why Am I Never Satisfied?
Do I Have To Believe In God To Live A Spiritual Life?
What Is The Nature Of Coincidence?
Do We Have Free Will or Is Everything Predetermined?
How Can I Control My Thoughts?
How Do We Get Rid Of The Ego?
Do We Reincarnate?
What is Prayer in Kabbalah?
What is the Essence of Kabbalah?
What Is The True Nature Of Humankind?
What Can We Do To Change The World?
Why Am I Never Satisfied?
Do I Have To Believe In God To Live A Spiritual Life?
What Is The Nature Of Coincidence?
Do We Have Free Will or Is Everything Predetermined?
How Can I Control My Thoughts?
How Do We Get Rid Of The Ego?
Do We Reincarnate?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Eastern Shore 70 the sacred circle
Walk the way, Seek the Vision Quest
red road-, the law of love, tree of life, the physical realm, fastened to the earth allowing the wind (from water, soul body) to flow through the physical body (fastened and still), creating sacred space and sanctuary, through seasonal celebration and daily creations of joy, the flesh.
yellow way-, the law of the eternal spirit, fountain of life, the soul realm, flowing to and fro of the heavenly realm allowing the heart from the eternal knowing of perfection, to guide the body of light as tools for the journey, the breath.
spiritual being - when the tree of life, the physical body, can fight for love and allow the true heart of the eternal fountain to flow, the reflection of the heart, a mirror to your feelings we see in each other through the blue waters and blue sky. This can only be done, if we care enough to share as contributing relations. We walk the Red Road, the law of love, by doing what we say. We walk the Yellow way, the true heart, by voicing our feelings.
yellow man- child nation, NW, teachers of the yellow way, "law of spiritual love"
red man - twin nation, SW, "keeper of the reflection, the red road, "law of physical love"
black man - mother nation, SE, leading the heart of numinous
Vertical horizon - north ( land mass peninsula) golden
Vertical horizon - south ( land mass islands) brown
Star of David - Heaven and Earth as Oneness
The House of the Beloved - the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Holiness David "Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star" (lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance, Reverence is Returned
White Buffalo Calf Woman "Twin Deer Mother" (crystal person)
- Celestial Crown of Heaven, Reader of the Your Book of Life, Perfection in Truth
East Sons of Israel Nation (luminous),
What is the law! (Written Law will be distributed by them, mathematics of the Rainbow Colors)
- caretaker of records of the living library, Rainbow Clan Law (yellow way, the soul journey at horizon entrance)
Leading Physical Body House of David, His Holiness David "Holiness Running Eagle" (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Leading Soul Body, House of Daniel, His Holiness Rahhiib "Holiness Down Below" (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Priest Men
- Law and Record Caretakers
Earthly Gathering Commanders
- Ladies of Israel
West Native North Americans (numinous),
What will be learned! (Living Law will be distributed by them, knowledge of the Rainbow Colors)
- caretaker of the living library, Rainbow Clan Law (red road, the flesh journey at the horizon entrance)
Leading Physical Body Blue Lake, Taos, Her Holiness Looks Back. (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Leading Soul Body, Spirit of the Lake, Lakota, His Holiness Looking Horse (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Medicine Women
- Keepers of Medicine Healing
Heavenly Army Commanders
- Men of Red Native
The Song of the Heart of
Holiness Rahhiib Down Below "tell me what you want",
the House of Daniel
In that heart inside of you is the living breeze of love. The truth that sets you free, the heart of you and me. The drum (master drummer of the heart beat is Holiness and Sacredness) will be the true love that keeps the truth. We are not free until, the day of pure come home. I wait for Her (souls realm of heaven) to come and breath upon the Sun (physical realm of earth). I take the Blind (unable to see own perfection) with me and know the coming Breeze (wind from the waters of reflection of the living heart of Oneness) will set my Mother free to know the love of thee ( Lights of the beloved children ).
Time has begun, until the Spring of sun, the notion of undone, is only the beginning run, so let me go be free and know the blooming breeze, the place i run home free, the place i know of thee, down below "ka-hah-toke." (The place where the heart's path walks the sacred gardens, when the feet touch the body of Mothers Earth, the place light and darkness join and begin the journey.)
A Joy Light From Within .Org
Gifted by Elders
Be the Rainbow Warrior, Stand your Ground and Speak your Heart
A warrior validates others by saying, " I hear your heart or repeating verbatim what was said, so other knows they were heard." Then guide the other person to validate your heart. If they are unable, realize that you need to bless and give law, by uniting the heart. Ask for a hug. (Hearts unite is law of love, the Red Road). If you cannot get this Hug, be sure to send love and sacred hearts blessing, realizing they do not know how to walk the Red Road, the law of love, which unites two hearts. Get a hug, Demand a Hug. Wife, Mother, Grandmother (numinous), stand your ground on this, especially for men, father, grandfather (luminous). We fight only for one reason, to unite separated hearts. It is imperative that Man switch from Left Brain Rationalism to Right Brain Heart. For only Woman (darkness embraces and tends the fire's light) can integrate (Neural synapses bundles at the center of the brain at the place cranial bones move like a butterfly with each breath.) brain hemispheres at the same time, because Man or light, and is on a Mission. This means Woman needs to ask for the hug, for this is the physical law of love, the Red Road. She is the "Fire Tender", or unseen (numinous, soul body) embrace to the fire's light of Man (luminous, physical body). Remember, to validate the heart. Its speaks, "My spirit recognizes your spirit, the eternal flow of Oneness there is love."
Isaiah 61:1 The spirit of the sovereign Lord (Great Spirit Father) is upon me, because the Lord has chosen me (Rainbow Warrior). He has commissioned me to encourage the poor, to help the brokenhearted (those who do not understand their own perfection), to decree the release of captives (standing for truth and protection), and the freeing of prisoners (blessing the impure), 2 to announce the year when the Lord will show his favor, the day when our God will seek vengeance (purify the world), to console all who mourn (for the Realms of Heaven and Earth), 3 to strengthen those who mourn in Zion (heaven on earth), by giving them a turban (kingsmen), instead of ashes (impure are purified through the fire of purification), oil symbolizing joy (creation in bliss, smells remember the heart of the soul), instead of mourning (when the heart's soul is not free and sorrow is known), a garment symbolizing praise (colors of the rainbow tools of light, which are sacred), instead of discouragement (without knowledge, and no vision quest is saught.). They will be called oaks (strength of the tree of life, fastened and still as the winds of the impure souls flow through you) of righteousness (warriors standing firm in law of love), trees planted (rainbow warriors of prophecy) by the Lord to reveal his splendor.
Another big word, “eschatology” is the study of last things (end of millenium, the second phase of evolution and the beginning of the third rolling hill in time); it is the portion of doctrine that deals with the events yet to come, such as the second coming (crystal people), the judgment (lavender people), the eternal state (law of love). It is primarily concerned with “Messianic” events (Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy), things the Messiah (Yourself, a twin heart) will do to fulfill all things.
The Sovereign Lord of Heaven is Great Spirit Mother. Great Spirit Father is the Sovereign Lord over Earth. We of earth reach for heaven's embrace and stand firm with the Great Ones at the Eastern Shore, the Sovereign Reign of the Lords, Great Spirit Mother's Heaven and Great Spirit Father's Earth. Welcome home to the Dawning!
red road-, the law of love, tree of life, the physical realm, fastened to the earth allowing the wind (from water, soul body) to flow through the physical body (fastened and still), creating sacred space and sanctuary, through seasonal celebration and daily creations of joy, the flesh.
yellow way-, the law of the eternal spirit, fountain of life, the soul realm, flowing to and fro of the heavenly realm allowing the heart from the eternal knowing of perfection, to guide the body of light as tools for the journey, the breath.
spiritual being - when the tree of life, the physical body, can fight for love and allow the true heart of the eternal fountain to flow, the reflection of the heart, a mirror to your feelings we see in each other through the blue waters and blue sky. This can only be done, if we care enough to share as contributing relations. We walk the Red Road, the law of love, by doing what we say. We walk the Yellow way, the true heart, by voicing our feelings.
yellow man- child nation, NW, teachers of the yellow way, "law of spiritual love"
red man - twin nation, SW, "keeper of the reflection, the red road, "law of physical love"
black man - mother nation, SE, leading the heart of numinous
Vertical horizon - north ( land mass peninsula) golden
Vertical horizon - south ( land mass islands) brown
Star of David - Heaven and Earth as Oneness
The House of the Beloved - the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Holiness David "Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star" (lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance, Reverence is Returned
White Buffalo Calf Woman "Twin Deer Mother" (crystal person)
- Celestial Crown of Heaven, Reader of the Your Book of Life, Perfection in Truth
East Sons of Israel Nation (luminous),
What is the law! (Written Law will be distributed by them, mathematics of the Rainbow Colors)
- caretaker of records of the living library, Rainbow Clan Law (yellow way, the soul journey at horizon entrance)
Leading Physical Body House of David, His Holiness David "Holiness Running Eagle" (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Leading Soul Body, House of Daniel, His Holiness Rahhiib "Holiness Down Below" (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Priest Men
- Law and Record Caretakers
Earthly Gathering Commanders
- Ladies of Israel
West Native North Americans (numinous),
What will be learned! (Living Law will be distributed by them, knowledge of the Rainbow Colors)
- caretaker of the living library, Rainbow Clan Law (red road, the flesh journey at the horizon entrance)
Leading Physical Body Blue Lake, Taos, Her Holiness Looks Back. (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Leading Soul Body, Spirit of the Lake, Lakota, His Holiness Looking Horse (Lavender person)
- Paradise Crown of Earth, Deliverance
Medicine Women
- Keepers of Medicine Healing
Heavenly Army Commanders
- Men of Red Native
The Song of the Heart of
Holiness Rahhiib Down Below "tell me what you want",
the House of Daniel
In that heart inside of you is the living breeze of love. The truth that sets you free, the heart of you and me. The drum (master drummer of the heart beat is Holiness and Sacredness) will be the true love that keeps the truth. We are not free until, the day of pure come home. I wait for Her (souls realm of heaven) to come and breath upon the Sun (physical realm of earth). I take the Blind (unable to see own perfection) with me and know the coming Breeze (wind from the waters of reflection of the living heart of Oneness) will set my Mother free to know the love of thee ( Lights of the beloved children ).
Time has begun, until the Spring of sun, the notion of undone, is only the beginning run, so let me go be free and know the blooming breeze, the place i run home free, the place i know of thee, down below "ka-hah-toke." (The place where the heart's path walks the sacred gardens, when the feet touch the body of Mothers Earth, the place light and darkness join and begin the journey.)
A Joy Light From Within .Org
Gifted by Elders
Be the Rainbow Warrior, Stand your Ground and Speak your Heart
A warrior validates others by saying, " I hear your heart or repeating verbatim what was said, so other knows they were heard." Then guide the other person to validate your heart. If they are unable, realize that you need to bless and give law, by uniting the heart. Ask for a hug. (Hearts unite is law of love, the Red Road). If you cannot get this Hug, be sure to send love and sacred hearts blessing, realizing they do not know how to walk the Red Road, the law of love, which unites two hearts. Get a hug, Demand a Hug. Wife, Mother, Grandmother (numinous), stand your ground on this, especially for men, father, grandfather (luminous). We fight only for one reason, to unite separated hearts. It is imperative that Man switch from Left Brain Rationalism to Right Brain Heart. For only Woman (darkness embraces and tends the fire's light) can integrate (Neural synapses bundles at the center of the brain at the place cranial bones move like a butterfly with each breath.) brain hemispheres at the same time, because Man or light, and is on a Mission. This means Woman needs to ask for the hug, for this is the physical law of love, the Red Road. She is the "Fire Tender", or unseen (numinous, soul body) embrace to the fire's light of Man (luminous, physical body). Remember, to validate the heart. Its speaks, "My spirit recognizes your spirit, the eternal flow of Oneness there is love."
Isaiah 61:1 The spirit of the sovereign Lord (Great Spirit Father) is upon me, because the Lord has chosen me (Rainbow Warrior). He has commissioned me to encourage the poor, to help the brokenhearted (those who do not understand their own perfection), to decree the release of captives (standing for truth and protection), and the freeing of prisoners (blessing the impure), 2 to announce the year when the Lord will show his favor, the day when our God will seek vengeance (purify the world), to console all who mourn (for the Realms of Heaven and Earth), 3 to strengthen those who mourn in Zion (heaven on earth), by giving them a turban (kingsmen), instead of ashes (impure are purified through the fire of purification), oil symbolizing joy (creation in bliss, smells remember the heart of the soul), instead of mourning (when the heart's soul is not free and sorrow is known), a garment symbolizing praise (colors of the rainbow tools of light, which are sacred), instead of discouragement (without knowledge, and no vision quest is saught.). They will be called oaks (strength of the tree of life, fastened and still as the winds of the impure souls flow through you) of righteousness (warriors standing firm in law of love), trees planted (rainbow warriors of prophecy) by the Lord to reveal his splendor.
Another big word, “eschatology” is the study of last things (end of millenium, the second phase of evolution and the beginning of the third rolling hill in time); it is the portion of doctrine that deals with the events yet to come, such as the second coming (crystal people), the judgment (lavender people), the eternal state (law of love). It is primarily concerned with “Messianic” events (Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy), things the Messiah (Yourself, a twin heart) will do to fulfill all things.
The Sovereign Lord of Heaven is Great Spirit Mother. Great Spirit Father is the Sovereign Lord over Earth. We of earth reach for heaven's embrace and stand firm with the Great Ones at the Eastern Shore, the Sovereign Reign of the Lords, Great Spirit Mother's Heaven and Great Spirit Father's Earth. Welcome home to the Dawning!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Holiness David Sending you Love
Holiness David Sending you Love inside your Heartbeat
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Shavu'ot Jewish Year 5769: sunset May 28, 2009 - nightfall May 30, 2009

Understanding Shavu'ot Level: Basic
You shall count for yourselves -- from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving -- seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count, fifty days... You shall convoke on this very day -- there shall be a holy convocation for yourselves -- you shall do no laborious work; it is an eternal decree in your dwelling places for your generations. -Leviticus 21:15-16, 21
Shavu'ot, the Festival of Weeks, is the second of the three major festivals with both historical and agricultural significance (the other two are Passover and Sukkot). Agriculturally, it commemorates the time when the first fruits were harvested and brought to the Temple, and is known as Hag ha-Bikkurim (the Festival of the First Fruits). Historically, it celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and is also known as Hag Matan Torateinu (the Festival of the Giving of Our Torah).
The period from Passover to Shavu'ot is a time of great anticipation. We count each of the days from the second day of Passover to the day before Shavu'ot, 49 days or 7 full weeks, hence the name of the festival. See The Counting of the Omer. The counting reminds us of the important connection between Passover and Shavu'ot: Passover freed us physically from bondage, but the giving of the Torah on Shavu'ot redeemed us spiritually from our bondage to idolatry and immorality. Shavu'ot is also known as Pentecost, because it falls on the 50th day; however, Shavu'ot has no particular similarity to the Christian holiday of Pentecost, which occurs 50 days after their Spring holiday.
It is noteworthy that the holiday is called the time of the giving of the Torah, rather than the time of the receiving of the Torah. The sages point out that we are constantly in the process of receiving the Torah, that we receive it every day, but it was first given at this time. Thus it is the giving, not the receiving, that makes this holiday significant.
Shavu'ot is not tied to a particular calendar date, but to a counting from Passover. Because the length of the months used to be variable, determined by observation (see Jewish Calendar), and there are two new moons between Passover and Shavu'ot, Shavu'ot could occur on the 5th or 6th of Sivan. However, now that we have a mathematically determined calendar, and the months between Passover and Shavu'ot do not change length on the mathematical calendar, Shavu'ot is always on the 6th of Sivan (the 6th and 7th outside of Israel. See Extra Day of Holidays.)
Work is not permitted during Shavu'ot. It is customary to stay up the entire first night of Shavu'ot and study Torah, then pray as early as possible in the morning.
It is customary to eat a dairy meal at least once during Shavu'ot. There are varying opinions as to why this is done. Some say it is a reminder of the promise regarding the land of Israel, a land flowing with "milk and honey." According to another view, it is because our ancestors had just received the Torah (and the dietary laws therein), and did not have both meat and dairy dishes available. See Separation of Meat and Dairy.
The book of Ruth is read at this time. Again, there are varying reasons given for this custom, and none seems to be definitive.
List of Dates Shavu'ot will occur on the following days of the Gregorian calendar:
* Jewish Year 5769: sunset May 28, 2009 - nightfall May 30, 2009
* Jewish Year 5770: sunset May 18, 2010 - nightfall May 20, 2010
* Jewish Year 5771: sunset June 7, 2011 - nightfall June 9, 2011
* Jewish Year 5772: sunset May 26, 2012 - nightfall May 28, 2012
* Jewish Year 5773: sunset May 14, 2013 - nightfall May 16, 2013
For additional holiday dates, see Links to Jewish Calendars.
5756-5767 (1995-2007), Tracey R Rich
Saturday, May 23, 2009
White Buffalo Calf Woman Comments
I Bless Myself, I Bless the World, I Bless You

email: whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com or ptsesanwi@whitebuffalocalfwoman.org
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
- Beloved Amy,
Welcome into our hearts. This group is very young! Today is New Years and if you would like to hear songs and blessings for Rosh Hashanah, please visit http://houseofthebeloved.blogspot.com/
Your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman
ElderDelete Comment
- At 9:15pm on September 19, 2009,
Amy Ryan said…
- hello calf woman, i am grateful for you!
- At 2:21am on September 24, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
- from Twin Deer Mother
to song_of_redemption72@yahoo.com,
Elders plan Migration ,
Warrior Training-Gathering
date Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:05 AM
subject Re: Membership change for AaronBenjamin
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 12:05 AM (3 hours ago)
Beloved Brother Aaron, Hashem ordained,
What an honor my relative. Yes, 10 days of prayer since Yom Teruah, trying anyway within the houseofthebeloved. Lots to do, and tonight we are a little behind with feeding homeless, visiting churches, police brutality, elders agenda meeting and sending rainbow songs to the world. Quite a day!
And with all that spam it seems that hate is on the up-rise. Thank you for your love, now I will need you to let me know when you need me over there. I get daily vs. individual emails, it was just too much for me to assimilate. Your voice contains volumes, thank you for the voice of G_ah_d (voice of heaven speaks).
Thank you so much for your love, today was pretty hard day. Yet, heaven kept saying 'trust' and what are we to do, but "trust", the basis for love.
love you,
calf woman
ps, does this mean you want me to send all the song I bring from the blogs? let me know, I have just sent thehouseofthebeloved.blogspot, because it pertained to Suns of Israel.
Sharing Elders Migration Meeting Heart Song with you!
Go to the wind and blow across the sky, for we are here to hold you, to be a lullaby and we can keep mountains above and below, to be a sacred heart beat to be sacred snow. And when we shall holler to be a calling breeze to whisper I adore you, to be the sacred view, the rooster who comes with directions, to hold and have with a view, for we are here to hand out, the love of me and you.
Come hold my hand, come hold my view, come and be a heartbeat, come and dance with me, for I shall be salvation, when I speak with my friends, and then we hope for relatives who will come in the wind. come and dance come and sing, come yell hallelujah freedom rings.
we are part of the sacred tree. we are part of the sacred leaves, we are part of one circle the dance of eternity and we are part of you and me, the relatives everywhere, the fish and mouse, the ant, my dance, for we long to be in the wind.
take care of my brother, take care of sister too, take care of the living, take care of this view, for tomorrow we will dance with you, for we are part of thee, we love you more than tomorrow because the tears of you. you carried us this far now, you held my hand with a view. and you are part of salvation because you came to view.
dance and sing and play all day, dance and sing and learn my way, dance and sing and hallelujah for we are going home. dance and sing hallelujah for we are going home, welcome to the dawning, welcome to the view, to sing and dance to pray all day, the way of loving views,
Sing hallelujah sing all the days, sing up to the skies above and sing all the ways, for we are here to hold you, for we are here to say, come hold my hand for tomorrow, for we are on our way!
sung by white buffalo calf woman and drum by holiness david
- Hide quoted text -
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Yahoo! Groups wrote: Congratulations! song_of_redemption72 has changed your membership status for the group AaronBenjamin from Member to Owner.
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- At 6:05pm on August 22, 2009,
Aaron Benjamin Frimer said…
- b'h
hi white buffalo calf woman, thanks for your message. i don't really understand most of what you wrote. you mentioned something about me learning with moshe rabbeinu... that sounds pretty good but what makes you think that moshe rabbeinu would want to learn with me? i am a simple person and cannot even learn talmud on a elementary level on my own...
you also mentioned something about being involved with indigo girls or something...? it sounds good to me, i like indigos if you tell me more about it we can see what happens.
all the best,
abcDelete Comment
- At 3:24pm on August 22, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
- http://houseofthebeloved.ning.com/group/torahstudy
Beloved Aaron,
Responding to your email with a new group, Torah Study. You have many good points and we need share with all. Now, Holiness David says that Moses came down from the Mount 2600 years ago or so, and not 2000, but many years ago. I think the two of you could study together and help and learn from each other.
By the way, the RSS feed from your group is on the Right of the all the Pages on this site. Everyone can access any message from here, alright. This has been this way, since the beginning of this group.
Next, I asked you to deliver a message to the Indigo Girls on Empathic and Intuitives. These girls are our Prophets, but their separation and anger prevents them from acting correctly. I get angry because I love them. You turning away from supporting the Mighty Law (christal person) and the Voice of God (violet person) refusing to be the Strength of the Army of God, forgets what he is here for. I have a very tough job, gifting the truth to their souls, for it is the high priest whom you are, to get the people into their light from within the darkness, to find their lost souls, like these Girls who are Indigos at this group, I was kicked out from. I was sure to send it to both your group and personal email address, but found no response from you.
You see, all that intelligence is not the Soul, the heart feels, not thinks. We think about our negotiation or intelligence only after we know love, the law, with unified hearts. This is first, and which must be done, as we fasten to and stand our ground. We have many who are lost souls right now, and we need a unified body to bring us homeward. And Jews everywhere my Brother is very lost inside their hatred. This is not love. When you speak from your heart, I sea eons of wisdom flow from you, but when I see, thinking like man, it makes me angry. You are very needed, and you need learn to trust the eternal soul, for the flesh is directed only by the blessed soul. And no soul or last soul, doesn't guide a body to well now does it?
Trust you know more than you think. Trust yourself, the heart of your voice is the Oneness, the high priest, who brings us homeward in evolution. I am very proud of you for coming back to me, with forgiveness, to receive more guidance with a heartbeat. Spend more time speaking from your heart, and using writings to support your heart. This is true wisdom of the Soul. TRUST SELF.
By the way, you are not permanently banned from wbcw.ning.com. When you agree to stop spamming, I welcome you into our hearts. But the Native people and those who's memories lean that way, will get confused in all the words of intelligence you bring to them. Realize their youth in understanding the laws. This is why this group is here, the laws of Heaven, the soul of the eternal, the returning light completes. Let us radiate these laws and bring many of our relatives home here. Had hoped to complete last month, but I must trust the timing of G_ah_d too!
Hey just found Holiness Rahahib Down Below, the house of Daniel. Soon my brother, we shall bring them homeward with us. Remember your Greatness, and speak from your heart, then you shall be the Breast Plate who guards and protects the innocent lambs of G_ah_d's kingdom, the house of the beloved children.
your devoted servant, calf woman
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
house of davidDelete Comment
- At 3:12am on August 21, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
- Beloved Aaron,
Golden Angel Kreemly has been invited to this site! I will tell him you have moved over here and see if he can join you here. I'm sorry I had to do this, but you are not responding to your emails and you seem to busy to help anyone but yourself, it seems. I hope to see you here, talking with others, but you can let others know of your site, on your page. And invite them personally, but do not invite all members to your group again, or I will do the same here. These pureheart sites are for Warriors of Prophecy. You act like this, or you think other issues are more important. We have about four years to get it together, and really if you don't have together within the next year, I fear for those who are not ready. The torah is to be studied, not torn apart, and questioned. Yes, a voice must be raised, but not a different voice, from Moses. This is the only writings that was gifted by a Crystal Person ever within the last phase of evolution, and none will change the words to their own likings. Study, means study, not tear apart, please. Have respect for your Elders, especially Moses.
your devoted servant,
whitebuffalocalfwoman, your twin deer mother
elder crystal person
house of davidDelete Comment
- At 3:05am on August 21, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
- At 8:43pm on August 20, 2009, Golden_Angel_K said…
Thank you so much for invite Aaron..i am looking for to studying Kabbalah as well...in fact i started studying from Bnei Baruch Institue in January of this year in a free online course....it was so interesting....but i wanted more because i know basics but then i don`t know where to go now...i mean in organized structure for my personal learning of this wisdom....i would like to know how this forces affect our realities...the thing is i am not sure is i have to learn Hebrew to understand more the wisdom....of is only for studying Zohar...though is very advanced for me....i like how Michael Laitman have explained concepts until now...as well his most advanced student....Tony Kosinec...this last i enjoyed how he teach us to all of us.....have a good night....and of course!...nice to meet y@!....
Love and light
KreemlyDelete Comment
- At 11:39am on July 6, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
- Love and Blessings!
http://houseofthebeloved.blogspot.com/2009/07/chassidic-movement-and-prophecy.htmlDelete Comment
- At 11:17pm on June 13, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Aaron, Happy Birthday to you!
Leaving a Blessing for You!Delete Comment
- At 9:24am on June 8, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
- (B"H) Bah Haih (this sound, I heard), is this what you said,
And what does this mean? As I said, I will learn much from you, too! And we shall be relatives again. I have been gone for the last week. This week, I will try to start some more groups. Got to work on the domains too. I have at least 100 blogs I manage. And I was wondering if you would like to work on some of them with me.
I just picked "Hashem Shalom". God's peace. I hear this word over and over in my head, Hasheem. Found this one Jewish site with seasonal calender and matching up seasons with Jewish holidays, "sun at the top of the hill" trying to get earth based. I will try to bring some of this over to the group. Anyway, any blog we create from us or from the group can then be created as a feed. WE can run them inside the groups and discussions here at houseofthebeloved.ning.com.
As I said, I really need the voice of god, which is you, to help me. I am what you call your eldest brother in the house of god, this is my flesh, the crystal person, the garment of lights, four directions we all carry. The violet (eldest color in your lights) person is the third son in the house of god, and this means that in the physical realm, I will lead you, but in the soul realm as you are my Elder , will lead me. This is the real world, the soul realm, your physical body is younger, but your soul body is older. As Sons of the house of God, we are on a mission, we can understand each other and help one another. There will be times when we do not understand, then questions will always seek answers.
Like I said, I don't know about Jewish anything, but I will learn and I will ask God, which is best for all. But you have knowledge, even the right questions, as I only have answers, and must seek the questions. When the people bring the questions to me, it will be easier, but for now. We will be seeking into the halls of the Sons of Israel.
The house of the beloved has come home, and the strength and army of god, will do righteousness and bring our family home again. There is much hatred and we must teach them to be angry, but not use hate. Anger brings things to the table to discuss and hate brings separation and war. Anger brings unity and love.
Holiness David said, "When I heard the part of going in and calling the Rabbi, it was confusing. We walked into the synagogue the rabbi wasn't there and we asked to stay at the synagogue. Well, we called him from the synagogue. How could a Rabbi allow canceling an appointment and having a police escort? I don't think he knew, somebody lied to him! The Rabbi was duped. He is a Rainbow person from Heaven, Calf Woman says, this is why he was chosen." As you can see, we are pretty angry, but not hateful. You know even when parking near their Synagogue, they would come spy on us. I mean literally, get in their cars, come over and park next to us and listen to us, spying. This happened three times, even though we were on the Methodist Church property. They even called the Methodist minister, such fear. Now, what is he going to do, since he counseled us in marriage 12 years ago. God plans everything. Of course this Methodist minister was sure we would fail in marriage, but it seems God had a greater plan for him. He had no choice in protecting us, only by the skin of his teeth. Meaning, he called only after talking with us and telling us he would call after we left. He asked us to not park there anymore, apparently we were too much trouble. So many need our trouble, and we will be trouble until righteousness comes and Shilo is delivered to the Kingdom of God, where paradise is born again. We have waited along eternal across the rolling hills in time to arrive here at the "Dawning". God is not standing in the way, but walking us right up into the "Heaven" we dreamed of right here on "Earth", the Land of Milk and Honey. No one will be getting in our way, but only to teach us what we must know for the people. We are not in charge. The Great Spirits Father and Now, Great Spirit Mother too is here. WE know they control our destiny, we are devoted children to their pleas of salvation for us all.
See what you do, bring our voice out of us. (laughing) You are the Voice of God. WE will help the people, including you. How about a new member welcome? Could you please write something up. Create a blog or discussion and I will see it. I couldn't think of anyone more important than you to do this task. Now your yahoo group, would you like me to join this? Or can you bring your discussions over here? Did you also know, we have RSS feeds, if you have an open group, is it not? We can bring the feed over. Yes, let me know if it's okay, I have the code.
Love you, later
calf woman and "holiness david too"Delete Comment
- At 5:09am on June 4, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Brother Aaron,
My name is White Buffalo Calf Woman, Your Twin Deer Mother. You may call me White Buffalo Calf Woman or Twin Deer Mother or Calf Woman. I will sign as any of such. We each carry a heavenly name (mission in life) and an earthly name (tools of light). For me these are above. For you, you just need to ask. I gift names from Heaven and Earth, as it is written in your soul and your light. I am a "wakan iyeshka" or "holy interpreter". My birth name is Monica (advisor) Elizabeth (oath to god) Aube (soul flight). Now, I do not go by these names now (and if you do so, would be disrespectful), because people do not find it to be Sacred. Even if this is so, I must be true to my calling, which is written in my garment of lights. I am a Crystal person, the perfect warrior who comes to shed you from bondage. To guide all towards the heavenly laws upon the rolling hills of the new sun, Dawning. This is evolution. There is much to learn and there is much to do.
When G_ah_d tells you to go this direction, you go! I was told to walk with American Natives and Sons of Israel, as they are ordained from heaven, to lead upon Earth. The story of evolution and all it entails is written all over the world, I am gifted to read it all, and to interpret it for all the children of the beloved. When I first was told to visit my Jewish Relatives, it was a disheartening experience, but I know this was teaching me the heart's pain of the people. I visited three Jewish neighbors after writing hundreds of letters to let others know of my return. No reply came. My third neighbor was a Rabbi. I walked in and talked by telephone with the Rabbi, scheduled an appointment that afternoon. Then I asked if I could wait in the place of worship. They almost didn't let me wait for the next hour. Well I was crying and crying, because I had been walking in Visions for 18 months now and it was pretty overwhelming. That was five years ago. I have always had visions my whole life, but this was a walking vision. I lived in Dark Space of Heaven and it wasn't working in the Earthly realm. I needed help. What was interesting was Holiness David was inside the building with me and walking all around (he too didn't understand his skill as of yet). No one cared nor do any dare to go against any Holiness. But I was alone and not guarded by his love. Well the President (a woman) lifted me up while I was crying/praying and told me that the Rabbi didn't have time to see anyone like me and tricked me to get up and out. As I was escorted by the Police at the door to leave the building. This is what G_ah_d wanted to show me all the hatred my relatives have, especially the Man who could have burned a hole right through my body. So much forgiveness ahead. I need my family of God to know joy again.
God has gifted me the greatest gifts. And the Greatest Treasure, I am to gift the mathematical equation to all life to the Jewish family. I must only gift it to the pure hearts. Where are they? I have been waiting and searching... I know you are here to help me with this Voice. You are a Son of Israel, this is what the Great Father in Heaven tells me. I did not grow up nor know much of the Jewish way of life, but what I do know, is that I can read every religious symbology and prove it mathematically. This belongs the the Jewish Nation to gift to the world, the mathematical perfection. I am the one, who the family is waiting for. I can do no other but to do what the Great Spirits in the Sky tell me. I am the humble servant to the people. His Holiness David and I are the House of the Beloved, and all who come under this roof are protected by the highest in Heaven, upon the Earth. We are here to support the world and bring them home into the next phase of evolution. It is the prophets who we support. These are the Indigo people and you will probably have many friends like this who can see into truth, when they stand at the right angle and send the arrow of reflection into a heart. They have sight is soul truth! Your color, Violet, is next to their color, Indigo, on the Rainbow. This means you understand each other more easily than others colors. Indigo is the perfect soul warrior and prophet. Violet is the army and voice of G_ah_d. Crystal is the perfect physical warrior and reader of the book of life for God. You can see we each have gifts. Now we just need to learn about each other. To receive our relatives into our lives again. I am looking for Holiness Rahahib, he is from the House of Daniel, for he is the one who shall show us the soul's way as the Great Spirits Speak. House of David will lead the body and army of heaven.
It can take a while to learn everything. The first thing you need is to know more about yourself. Ask for your Rainbow Colors of your garment of lights, as we already know you are the Violet Person. Ask for your Heart's Song, to hear the sound of your Soul. Ask for answers that you have questions about, anything unto God. For I am the Reader of the Book of Life.
By the way, maybe you could write an introduction to new members here. As you can see, we are just starting. And I haven't had a lot of luck with this family. I am counting on you to help me with your Strength. Invite many, especially the Warriors from Heaven. For the House of David is the Rock which shall lead us into deliverance. Holiness David's love cannot be refused and when we learn to use our individual skills to the highest Clan good, then we can leap Mountains.
Your voice, knowledge and strength will offer us much in the days ahead. My brother, it is so good to have you home again. We are all learning to be who we are!
your devoted servant,
Calf Woman (the golden twin calf)Delete Comment
- At 4:10am on June 4, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Brother Araron,
The seed of the world must carry the weight of all the earth, as well as the pressures from up above it. This is the strength of a mustard seed, that gifts us the greens fields (embraced) that turn golden (brotherhood). This is your strength as the ARMY of God, the Violet Person. This is your eldest color of your garment of lights. You know the Statue of the Man who holds the World on his back, well that is you! All the pressures of the world you carry on your back. This pressure is caused by the need to grow and flow.
Within the House of the Beloved, the Star of David, represents Heaven and Earth merging, but at it's narrowest point, the Gateway, is Holiness the Lavender Person. You are the Gatekeeper, the strength of an army who can protect the Gate into the paradise Kingdom of God. You have the knowledge of all the Oneness, the seventh day, the High Priest who guides us towards the light, at the Gate into the Land of Milk and Honey from the Darkness into the Light. You guide the people towards knowing their own Golden Light, their dreams, Collectively. Your voice rings from the heart of all those who must pass you first before entering the Garden. You teach them to bless their hearts, to be reborn again and to know joy on the path of the sacred journey.
My beloved, your strength and valor comes from you trusting your soul, the little voice that speaks to you. At times when listening to your body, you can make unwise decisions, like children do, as you are a Soul Elder from the Darkness and a Body Child in the Light.
Welcome home My Soul Elder, let your voice ring forth to freedom.
your devoted, Calf WomanDelete Comment
- At 10:48pm on May 29, 2009,
White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Hey Brother Aaron,
Lisping Wise One tells me that you get kicked out of groups often. Well, welcome home brother, me too. Just can't handle the truth, eh. So let us ring our voices loud and tell the world. Now the site is just opened and tabs aren't even done, but it will be the place to invite our Brothers and Sister of G_ah_d. Those who are renegades all seek refuge in the house of the beloved, as we are the Warriors of Heaven.
Before You, Adonai, our G_ah_d, may all bow down, and give honor to Your precious name, and may all take upon themselves the yoke of Your rule. And may You reign over them soon and forever and always. Because all rule is Yours alone, and You will rule in honor forever and ever. As it is written in Your Torah: "Adonai will reign forever and ever." And it is said: "Adonai will be Ruler over the whole Earth, and on that day, G_ah_d will be One, and G_ah_d's name will be One.
G_ah_D (ah: Heaven has come home to Earth)
G: Voice (utterance) of ah: heaven's D: heartbeat (transmission),
Earth is embracing like a Cup, heavens arrival pouring forth
in the third phase of Evolution, the Yellow rolling hills.
While we greet the morning Sun and await the evening Dawn
We remember the sacred circle of life begins again.
Let us be a part of joyous celebration and devotion to Mother Earth.
Your devoted servants,
Holiness David, White Buffalo Calf Woman and Elders Around the World Celebrating the Sun!
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Arise
- At 5:22pm on May 23, 2009,
Holiness David said…
http://www.ajoylightfromwithin.orgDelete Comment
- At 5:21pm on May 23, 2009,
Holiness David said…
I love you!
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Sons and Daughters of Israel Arise
(ah: Heaven has come home to Earth)
G: Voice (utterance) of ah: heaven's
D: heartbeat (transmission)
House of the Beloved family, Earth is embracing like a Cup, heavens arrival pouring forth in the third phase of Evolution, the Yellow rolling hills. While we greet the morning Sun and await the evening Dawn We remember the sacred circle of life begins again. Let us be a part of joyous celebration and devotion to Mother Earth. Your devoted servants, Celebrating the Sun!
Holiness David, White Buffalo Calf Woman and Elders Around the World reminding you, suffering is what we do for those we love. Now evolution shows us that the suffering of the Sons and Daughters of Israel were for the Family of G_ah_D. Heaven has come home, we await the returning Sun, the Dawning which is upon us. Let us start to take our place as the Ordained of the Most Highest in the Eastern Shore.